Frequently Asked Questions
Toll Violations:
Why do I have a DMV hold on my vehicle registration and how can I resolve it?
If a driver fails to pay a Delinquent Notice of Toll Evasion Violation, Riverside Express is authorized under Section 40267 of the California Vehicle Code to place unpaid tolls, fees, and penalties on a vehicle registration hold. A $3 administrative fee is added to each toll violation placed on hold. You may pay the violation(s) that are placed on hold either directly to the DMV with your vehicle registration or to Riverside Express. A vehicle registration hold will be removed 48-72 hours after a payment is made directly with Riverside Express. You may pay online at or call us at 855-951-1500.
What if I contest a Notice of Toll Evasion Violation but do not agree with a guilty decision?
You may request an Administrative Hearing with a third party hearing officer by completing an Administrative Hearing Form and paying the required deposit. A hearing will be scheduled within 90 calendar days. The hearing can be conducted by phone, mail or in-person.
Will I receive a link through text message or email requesting that a payment be made for my Riverside Express violation?
No, Riverside Express will not request payment through a link accessed on a text message or email. Please contact our customer service center at (855) 951-1500 to report receiving this request.
Will all my FasTrak tolls and penalties get discharged if I file for bankruptcy?
No, filing for bankruptcy will not discharge your entire balance. Potentially some tolls may get waived based on the bankruptcy type, however any incurred penalties are still owed.
Can I set up a payment plan?
Yes, Riverside Express allows for payment plans of up to 12 months. Contact Customer Service at (855) 951-1500 for additional information.
Do you offer payment plans for low income?
Yes, to qualify you must have a gross (before taxes) annual household income of 200% of the federal poverty level or less. See the table below (based on 2024 guidelines). Must provide proof of eligibility. Documentation must be in the registered owner’s name of the vehicle. To sign up please contact Customer Service at (855) 951-1500 for additional information.
- Unexpired proof of enrollment of participation in the CalFresh program.
- Unexpired County Benefit eligibility letter.
- Medi-Cal
Household Size | Household Income up to |
1 | $30,120 |
2 | $40,880 |
3 | $51,640 |
4 | $62,400 |
5 | $73,160 |
6 | $83,920 |
7 | $94,680 |
8 | $105,440 |
Add $10,760 for each additional household member over eight.
* Proof of income is required for all household members
Where can I make a violation payment?
Online - Payments can be made at -
Enter the Notice ID, vehicle license plate and search for violations.
In Person - Violation Payments can be paid in person at the Riverside Express Customer Service walk-in center, located at 301 Corporate Terrace Circle Corona, CA 92879. Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday: Closed.
Retail locations - Riverside Express violations may also be paid at PayNearMe locations nationwide, including 7-Eleven, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart. An additional $1.99 service fee will be applied for each payment. For more information, click here.
Account Management:
Contact Customer Service Center
Visit our Customer Service Center
Riverside Express
301 Corporate Terrace Circle
Corona, CA 92879
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Send Mail To
PO Box 1515
Corona, CA 92878
Call our Customer Service Center
(855) 951-1500
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
What if I forgot my username?
On the Account Login page, click the forget username link. Your username will be emailed to the address you provided at the time of account opening.
What if I forget my password?
On the Account Login page, click the forgot password link and follow the steps to reset your password.
Does the California Consumer Privacy Act apply to the 15 Express Lanes?
The California Consumer Privacy Act (Civil Code §1798.100 et seq.) does not apply to the 15 Express Lanes, which are operated by the Riverside County Transportation Commission. However, the 15 Express Lanes is committed to protecting and maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information, and we comply with the requirements of Streets and Highways Code §31490. If you would like to learn more about how we collect, share, use and protect your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy at If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information, please contact us at (855) 951-1500.
What if I want to close my account?
Select the Manage Account tab, then select Update Account and request to close your account. You will receive a notification when the account has been closed. Your transponders will be deactivated and any use of them will result in a Notice of Toll Evasion Violation. After approximately 30 days, any remaining balance will be refunded to the card on file or by check if the card is not available.
If I sign up with Riverside Express online today, when will I receive my transponder?
We will send your transponder via USPS mail to the address listed on your application within two business days of your account opening.
You may also visit our customer service center to open an account and purchase a transponder.
301 Corporate Terrace Circle Corona, CA 92879
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
How much does it cost to open and maintain an account? Are there any monthly fees?
Riverside Express accounts are prepaid. The initial prepaid toll deposit is $40.00. Every three months the amount of prepaid tolls will be recalculated based on your average usage and your account will be replenished at that amount. All customers pay a $2 monthly account maintenance fee. Sticker transponders can be purchased for $5.00 and the FasTrak Flex switchable transponder for $15.00. The FasTrak Flex switchable transponder comes with a free sticker transponder.
How do I open an account?
The easiest way to open an account is online here or you can call the Customer Service Center at (855) 951-1500.
You can also download an application and submit it by mail or visit our customer service center at:
301 Corporate Terrace Circle
Corona, CA 92879
Hours: Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Saturday and Sunday - Closed
What if I already have a FasTrak account with another toll agency (Toll Roads, 91 Express Lanes, LA Metro, SANDAG, Bay Area FasTrak)?
You only need one FasTrak account. You can use your transponder on any toll road in California.
What if I have a rental vehicle?
In order to avoid potential administrative fees charged by the rental company, we recommend using a FasTrak Flex switchable transponder in the rental vehicle. Add the rental plate to your account with a start and end date for the rental period. You may purchase a switchable transponder online or by phone.
What if I get a new vehicle or get rid of a vehicle?
Log in to your account to remove the old vehicle and deactivate the corresponding sticker transponder to ensure you are no longer charged for tolls that the new owner may incur. The sticker transponder in the old vehicle cannot be moved so make sure you order a new transponder and add the license plate of the new vehicle.
When do I put more money in my account?
Tolls are deducted from your prepaid account. If you signed up for automatic replenishment, your credit card or bank account will be charged when your account drops below $15 or one-third of your average monthly toll usage, whichever is greater. If you are not signed up for automatic replenishment, you will be notified to deposit additional funds. Please remember to update your credit card on file if it expires or is replaced. Failure to keep enough money in your toll account could result in fines.
Will I receive a link through text message or email requesting that a payment be made to my Riverside Express account?
No, Riverside Express will not request payment through a link accessed on a text message or email. Please contact our customer service center at (855) 951-1500 to report receiving this request.
I received a call from Riverside Express requesting my personal information.
Riverside Express customer service will never contact you requesting sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security, usernames, passwords, etc. if you are contacted by anyone stating that they are from Riverside Express and are seeking personal information, DO NOT provide the information requested. Please contact our customer service center at (855) 951-1500 to report receiving this request.
Where can I replenish my Riverside Express account?
Online - Payments can be made at -
Log into your account and select make payment.
In Person - Accounts can be replenished with cash, check, credit, or debit cards at the Riverside Express Customer Service walk-in center, located at 301 Corporate Terrace Circle Corona, CA 92879. Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday: Closed.
Retail locations - Riverside Express accounts may also be replenished at PayNearMe locations nationwide, including 7-Eleven, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart. An additional $1.99 service fee will be applied for each payment. For more information, click here.
Driving Riverside Express:
Can I use the 15 Express Lanes if I have an account with a third-party mobile payment processor through an app such as Go Toll, PayTollo, Uproad, etc.?
The 15 Express Lanes does not have an arrangement with any of the third-party mobile payment processors currently. Use of the 15 Express Lanes requires a FasTrak transponder issued by any of the California toll agencies. If you have an arrangement with one of the third-party mobile payment processors and use the 15 Express Lanes without a transponder a notice of toll evasion violation will be issued.
How do I enter and exit the Express Lanes?
You can enter the 15 Express Lanes at SR-60 from the north, at Cajalco Road from the south, or from the general purpose I-15 lanes at dashed line entry points, between each of the 4 segments.
You can also access the 15 Express Lanes southbound from the 91 Express Lanes eastbound.
An express lanes connector will allow you to go from the 91 Express Lanes eastbound to the 15 Express Lanes northbound and from the 15 Express Lanes southbound to the 91 Express Lanes westbound.
How much does it cost to use the Express Lanes?
The 15 Express Lanes are dynamically priced. Dynamic pricing means that toll rates will change as frequently as every 3 minutes to help keep traffic flowing in the express lanes.
There are toll rate signs at each entry point. The price you see at the point of entry is the price you will be charged to travel to the posted destination. If you travel a shorter distance you will only be charged the price for the segments you use.
If you travel more than one segment, the price on the following signs applies to customers entering at the next entry point. Your price is locked in based on the price when you entered.
What if I received a Notice of Toll Evasion Violation and did not own the vehicle at the time of the violation?
If you were not the owner of a vehicle at the time of the alleged violation, or if the vehicle was stolen, or if you are a bona fide renting or leasing company, please complete an Affidavit of Non-liability form.
What do I do if I have a FasTrak account and received a Notice of Toll Evasion Violation?
If your account was valid at the time of the transactions, you can add the plate to your account with a start date that is on or before the date of the first violation. The tolls will pay to the account through an automated process. This process will work for violations less than 90 days old. If the violations are older than 90 days, you will need to provide proof of a valid account at the time of the transactions and call the Customer Service Center to resolve the violations.
If your account was not valid at the time of travel, call the Customer Service Center at (855) 951-1500 to find out what payment arrangements are available.
How do I install my transponders?
We have provided a video to help you properly install and understand how to use your FasTrak transponder here.
Below are some quick steps for reference or you can download the complete installation instructions here.
To install an interior mounted sticker transponder:
1. CLEAN. Clean the mounting area inside of your windshield with glass cleaner and let dry.
2. POSITION. Center the FasTrak transponder inside at least 1.5 inches from the top edge of the windshield or any metalized sun strips or visor tints, just below the rearview mirror post. Do not obstruct the driver’s view.
3. STICK. Peel the backing and affix the transponder to the windshield, smoothing the sticker flat.
To install an exterior mounted sticker transponder:
1. CLEAN. Clean your headlight with glass cleaner and let dry.
2. POSITION. Position your transponder in the center of the headlight, 3 inches from the bottom of the metal reflective layer.
3. STICK. Peel off the backing and stick the transponder in place, smoothing it flat.
To install a FasTrak Flex Switchable transponder:
1. CLEAN. Clean the mounting area inside of your windshield with glass cleaner and let dry.
2. POSITION. The transponder can be mounted on the lower left (driver’s side) of the windshield within 1.5 inches from both the side and bottom. If you have a sticker transponder, you can leave it behind the rearview mirror and place the switchable according to these instructions.
3. STICK. Peel the backing off the adhesive strips and affix the transponder to the windshield.
Do Clean Air Vehicles get a discount?
Customers with a clean air vehicle (CAV) or pure zero-emission vehicle (100% battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell) with a valid DMV issued clean air vehicle decal are eligible for a 15% discount off the posted toll rate on the 15 Express Lanes. To receive the discount, customers must provide a copy of the official California DMV vehicle registration.
Below is a list of CAV decals that qualify for the discount:
Valid until September 30, 2025
Valid until September 30, 2025
Valid until September 30, 2025
Valid until September 30, 2025
What if I have car trouble while in the 15 Express Lanes?
If you can, move your vehicle to a median or shoulder out of traffic lanes. Call 911 and stay inside your vehicle with your seat belt on until help arrives. During peak travel periods, 15 Express Lane Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is provided at no charge to express lane customers in need. FSP can provide a jump, change a flat, or perform other minor repairs to get you back on the road, if safe to do so. Otherwise, FSP will tow your vehicle to a designated safe location off the freeway. Outside of peak travel periods, the 911 dispatcher will connect you to the Rotational Tow Program (standard rates apply) available through the California Highway Patrol.
What if the transponder is not working in my vehicle?
Some vehicle windshields have materials that prevent the transponder from being properly read. Request a special exterior sticker transponder by logging into your account.
What if I drive a motorcycle?
To receive a 100% discount on the 15 Express Lanes you can use a special motorcycle exterior sticker transponder or just ride the Express Lanes without a transponder. The toll operators across California are in the process of issuing these special motorcycle transponders. Until you get one of these special transponders our toll system will identify you as a motorcycle on the 15 Express Lanes and apply the 100% discount.
Can large trucks or vehicles towing trailers use the Express Lanes?
No. The only oversized vehicles allowed on the Express Lanes are two axle motor homes or buses.
What if I have a sticker transponder but want to carpool?
You can drive with both a sticker and a FasTrak Flex switchable transponder. The FasTrak Flex switchable transponder is required on certain tolled bridges, lanes, and roads in California to receive the discounted rates for carpooling.
Do I need a switchable FasTrak Flex transponder?
If you plan on travelling with three or more occupants, you will need a switchable transponder to get the carpool discount. If you will also travel on the 91 Express Lanes, remember to use the HOV3+ lane. A switchable transponder can be moved from vehicle to vehicle. If you need additional adhesive you will need to call Customer Service at (855) 951-1500
Do I need a transponder for each of my vehicles?
Yes. Each vehicle traveling on the 15 Express Lanes is required to have a properly mounted transponder. A sticker transponder cannot be moved once adhered—it will break. The FasTrak Flex® switchable transponder used for carpooling or in rental vehicles can be moved between vehicles using adhesive strips.
Do carpoolers get a discount?
If you have a FasTrak Flex switchable transponder and have three or more occupants in your vehicle, you will receive a carpool discount in the 15 Express Lanes. Set the switchable transponder to “3” and you will be charged the discounted toll. There is no dedicated HOV3+ lane on the 15 Express Lanes like there is on the 91 Express Lanes. If you travel on the 91 Express Lanes and have three or more people in your vehicle, you still need to drive in the dedicated HOV3+ lane on the 91 Express Lanes to obtain the discount.
The carpool discount on the 15 Express Lanes is 50%, however during the initial months of operation a special discount of 100% will be given.
How do I pay the toll?
You can pay the toll with any FasTrak® transponder issued within California. A transponder associated with a valid account is required to use the Express Lanes.
A new sticker transponder, FasTrak Flex switchable transponder, or old non-switchable transponder will all work.
A FasTrak Flex switchable transponder is required to receive a carpool discount.
Route Map