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In observance of President’s Day, our call center and service center will be closed on Monday, February 17


Beware of phishing texts asking for toll payments

To ensure the privacy of your personal information, we’ve outlined best practices below to help you keep your information safe.

Customers with a clean air or pure zero-emission vehicle with a valid decal are eligible for a 15% discount. To receive the discount - must have a valid FasTrak account & official California DMV vehicle registration

FasTrak® required for the 15 Express Lanes

Carpoolers ride free for a limited time.

Only with a FasTrak Flex® switchable transponder.

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How to install your transponder

How to use the 15 Express Lanes

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I pay the toll?

You can pay the toll with any FasTrak® transponder issued within California.  A transponder associated with a valid account is required to use the Express Lanes.

A new sticker transponder, FasTrak Flex switchable transponder, or old non-switchable transponder will all work.

A FasTrak Flex switchable transponder is required to receive a carpool discount.

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Do carpoolers get a discount?

If you have a FasTrak Flex switchable transponder and have three or more occupants in your vehicle, you will receive a carpool discount in the 15 Express Lanes. Set the switchable transponder to “3” and you will be charged the discounted toll. There is no dedicated HOV3+ lane on the 15 Express Lanes like there is on the 91 Express Lanes. If you travel on the 91 Express Lanes and have three or more people in your vehicle, you still need to drive in the dedicated HOV3+ lane on the 91 Express Lanes to obtain the discount.

The carpool discount on the 15 Express Lanes is 50%, however during the initial months of operation a special discount of 100% will be given.

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When do I put more money in my account?

Tolls are deducted from your prepaid account. If you signed up for automatic replenishment, your credit card or bank account will be charged when your account drops below $15 or one-third of your average monthly toll usage, whichever is greater. If you are not signed up for automatic replenishment, you will be notified to deposit additional funds. Please remember to update your credit card on file if it expires or is replaced. Failure to keep enough money in your toll account could result in fines.

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Do I need a transponder for each of my vehicles?

Yes. Each vehicle traveling on the 15 Express Lanes is required to have a properly mounted transponder. A sticker transponder cannot be moved once adhered—it will break. The FasTrak Flex® switchable transponder used for carpooling or in rental vehicles can be moved between vehicles using adhesive strips.

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Do I need a switchable FasTrak Flex transponder?

If you plan on travelling with three or more occupants, you will need a switchable transponder to get the carpool discount.  If you will also travel on the 91 Express Lanes, remember to use the HOV3+ lane. A switchable transponder can be moved from vehicle to vehicle. If you need additional adhesive you will need to call Customer Service at (855) 951-1500

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